Minggu, 11 Agustus 2013 - 0 komentar

Eyes relaxing

Hello everybody?

come on we are do relaxing eyes together
we must care about our eyes for sure

just give you know i've min 1,75 - 2.00
yeah start from 1.25

my eyes is too tired to face a laptop and etc
I'm careless with my eyes, and now i regret it all
really use a glasses is not fun anymore

but ...... its too late

so keep your eyes well , allright everybody?

oke in my count of 3 we start it together :D

1 .....

2 .....


start !!! close your eyes keep away from screen *5sec
after 5 second open your eyes see a far object or go out and see a scenery like a tree and anything

after it search greens object look at them

dont forget to blink blink oke :P

now look at the picture

oke but its not take a great result because this picture is still have bad radiation for eyes because transfer from gadget etc.

to treat your eyer right

after you do online or anything what face a screen of gadget
take a few minute for see distant objects or go outside and see a scenery from outside your house

dont directly sleep !! y u no u so lazy?!!

and eat a carrots once a month :D (minimal)

so love our eyes because eyes is expensive !!!

God bless you all :D

follow @widkm

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